How to Take Steel Door Dimensions

Issues To Be Considered In The Selection And Measurement Of Steel Doors

In order for the use of a steel door to be error-free in appearance, it is necessary to take the measurement correctly from the place where the door will be installed. In this article, we will talk about what should be considered when taking measurements.

1. Where /How was the Measurement Taken?

Where and how you get the measure is the most important issue. First of all, when taking measurements from the place where the door will be installed, it should be noted whether there is a door installed in place. If an existing door is not installed in the place to be installed, it should be specified how the measurement is taken. In general, the measure can be taken in 2 ways:


  1. The width and length of the wall space where the door will be installed can be taken as a clear, wall-to-wall space. If the measurement was taken in this way, any obstacle that restricts the door sills from the inside and outside (column, wall finish, pipe, furniture, etc. it should be noted whether it is (such as). If there is such an obstacle and it is not specified, there will be problems during installation.
    Another issue that should be considered when taking measurements from the Wall Gap is whether the margin given to the measurement taken is taken into account in order for the door called the mounting gap to enter the wall comfortably. If a clear measurement has been given without any mounting allowance, this detail should also be specified.

  2. Another way of taking measurements is to take measurements from the sill to the sill. When taking this measure, the door sills are also taken into account. In other words, the sides of the door are measured by including the part that comes on top of the wall. It should also be noted whether there are any conditions in this measurement system that will interfere with the moldings. Another issue here is the measurement of wall clearance. If the measurement is taken from the sill to the sill, it will be good to give the wall gap in detail again. Because if the wall gap is smaller than the standard, there will still be problems during installation.

  3. Another detail in taking measurements is the wall thickness. It will be useful to take measurements from several different points for wall thickness. Because in some cases, the bottom and top of the wall can be of different thicknesses. Although november november structure is generally preferred as a type called adjustable case, this difference in wall thickness can cause error.


2. What Should Be the November Structure?

One of the most important points for door installation is the selection of the right type of november. In order to choose the right case type, the condition of the november to be installed must be determined correctly. In general, it is possible to mention 3 types of november types. These;

  1. A november november is the most commonly used type of case. In this system, the window sills of the case close the gap so that it is above the wall. It is convenient to have a margin on both the inner side of the wall and the outer side to close the gap. On the other hand, it is also convenient that the case can be divided into two parts, internal and external, and november by 7 cm according to the thickness of the wall during installation. In general, the thickness of deckers of this type varies between 20-25 cm in Turkish standards. If there is no situation that will prevent the moldings inside and outside the house, it will be correct to choose this type of november.

  2. Another november of november is a fixed-case structure. In this case type, it is necessary to give it as a measure of what the wall thickness is. november 19, 2012. Because there is no such thing as a change in the size of the case. In general, there are moldings on the inner side or only on the outer side of the wall according to the condition of the place to be installed in these types of safes. If there are moldings on the outside, the moldings on the inside are smaller and remain in the wall cavity. In the opposite case, the moldings on the inner side come on the wall, and the moldings on the outer side remain in the wall cavity. If it is not possible to use moldings on both the inside and outside of each installation site, in this case, the production is made in such a way that the moldings on both sides remain inside the wall. When measuring the doors that will be made in this way, the internal space of the wall should be given as what. Otherwise, there may be a gap after installing the door or the door may become large at the installation site.

  3. November preferred type of casing is the profile/tunnel casing type. november 19, 2013. There are generally no moldings structures in this november type. The net wall clearance is taken into account as a measure, and the door is placed exactly in this gap. If there is still an installation location that will interfere with the moldings structure, if there are no gaps around the door location from the inside and outside, it will be correct to choose this november type. For november in this type of case, screwing november are left on the case. After installation, these screwing places are closed with a lid.
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